Chiropractic during pregnancy

Chiropractors can correct dysfunction in the spine and pelvis and ensure that optimal freedom of movement is maintained. Because special techniques are used, pregnant women can be treated until the last day of pregnancy. However, it is wise to let the chiropractor know that you are pregnant.

Pain during pregnancy can arise from amongst others:

  1. Pelvic instability
  2. Lower back pain
  3. Groin pain

Pregnancy and pelvic instability

Getting pregnant causes many changes in the body. First, hormone changes stretch the ligaments and muscles. This makes the spine and pelvis less stable. Back and pelvic complaints can result, especially during the last 3 months.

First visit

  • Intake                        
    A patient questionnaire is filled in followed by a discussion with the chiropractor in order to establish a thorough case history.
  • Examination              
    Chiropractic tests
    Neurological test
    Orthopaedic test
  • X-ray, MRI, IDXA          
    Not applicable for pregnant woman
  • Diagnosis                      
    Given by the Chiropractor
  • Treatment                     
    Nearly always already on the first visit

The importance of breastfeeding

Too often we hear that the importance of breastfeeding is unknown. Breastfeeding is extremely important for your baby because it builds up the immune system and the baby produces a lot of antibodies. The advantage of this is that the baby will have a less common colds, develop fewer allergies and generally be sick much less often. Even if you find breastfeeding uncomfortable or time consuming, in the long run it is an excellent foundation for your child's health.

Furthermore, the following is also important to know;
Breastfeeding is very important for the emotional bond between mother and baby
You can consult a lactation consultant in case of breastfeeding problems. She can help you get the feeding started properly. It is essential to pay attention to eating the following products during breastfeeding.

Your baby can react strongly to;

  • Vegetables: all types of cabbage and legumes, leeks, onions and tomatoes
  • Fruit: oranges, strawberries, plums and kiwis
  • Try to further limit your use of chocolate, caffeine and carbonated drinks.

Your baby cannot let you know if he/she is in pain or feeling unwell. Therefore, have your child's spine checked regularly (preventively) so that he/she can grow up in good health.